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Terms & Conditions


Terms and Conditions for Non-Profit College Mentorship Program:

  1. Program Purpose: The non-profit college mentorship program aims to guide and support college students by connecting them with experienced mentors who can offer advice, assistance, and insights regarding their academic and career development.

  2. Mentor-Mentee Relationship: The mentorship program establishes a voluntary and mutually beneficial relationship between mentors and mentees. Mentors will provide guidance and support based on their expertise, while mentees will actively engage in the mentorship process, respecting the mentor's time and expertise.

  3. Confidentiality: Both mentors and mentees agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any personal, academic, or professional information shared during the mentorship program. This includes refraining from disclosing sensitive information to third parties without explicit consent.

  4. Commitment: Mentors and mentees are expected to commit to the mentorship program for a specified duration as agreed upon during the matching process. Regular meetings, communication, and active participation are essential to foster a successful mentorship relationship.

  5. Non-Discrimination: The non-profit college mentorship program promotes equal opportunity and non-discrimination. It prohibits any form of discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

  6. Code of Conduct: All participants in the mentorship program agree to adhere to a code of conduct that promotes professionalism, respect, and integrity. Harassment, bullying, or any other form of inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in termination from the program.

  7. Program Limitations: The non-profit college mentorship program aims to provide guidance and support but does not guarantee specific outcomes, such as job placements or academic success. Mentors and mentees should approach the program with realistic expectations.

  8. Termination: Either the mentor or mentee reserves the right to terminate the mentorship relationship at any time, provided that proper notice is given to the program coordinator or administrator. In case of any disputes or conflicts, the program coordinator will mediate and make the final decision.

  9. Liability: The non-profit college mentorship program and its organizers shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or injuries arising from the mentorship relationship or any advice or actions from mentors or mentees during the program.

  10. Amendments: These terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the non-profit college mentorship program. Participants will be notified of any amendments in a timely manner.
    By participating in the non-profit college mentorship program, mentors and mentees acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.


Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy for Non-Profit College Mentorship Program:

  1. Collection of Personal Information: The non-profit college mentorship program may collect personal information from participants, including but not limited to names, contact details, academic information, and professional backgrounds. This information is voluntarily provided by the participants and will be used solely for the purpose of facilitating the mentorship program.

  2. Use of Personal Information: Personal information collected will be used to match mentors with mentees, establish effective communication between participants, and evaluate the success of the mentorship program. The information may also be used to provide relevant program updates, resources, and opportunities.

  3. Confidentiality: The non-profit college mentorship program recognizes the importance of confidentiality and will take all reasonable measures to safeguard the personal information of participants. Personal information will only be shared with the relevant program coordinators, administrators, and mentors involved in the matching process.

  4. Data Security: The non-profit college mentorship program will implement appropriate security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, or disclosure. However, it is important to note that no internet data transmission can be guaranteed 100% secure.

  5. Data Retention: Personal information collected will be retained only for the duration necessary to fulfill the purpose of the mentorship program unless otherwise required by law or for legitimate program evaluation purposes.

  6. Third-Party Disclosure: Personal information collected by the non-profit college mentorship program will not be disclosed to third parties without the participant's explicit consent unless required by law or in cases where it is necessary to facilitate the mentorship process (e.g., sharing mentee information with mentors).

  7. Participant Consent: By participating in the non-profit college mentorship program, participants consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information as outlined in this privacy policy.

  8. Access and Correction: Participants have the right to access, update, or correct their personal information held by the mentorship program. Requests for such access or corrections should be submitted to the program coordinator or administrator.

  9. Contact Information: Participants can contact the program coordinator or administrator for any inquiries or concerns regarding the privacy policy or the handling of personal information.

The privacy policy of the non-profit college mentorship program is subject to change at the discretion of the program administrators. Participants will be notified of any updates or amendments to the privacy policy in a timely manner. By participating in the non-profit college mentorship program, participants acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of this privacy policy.

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